Planning Application – for a new house next to The Old Wheelwrights Shop
Yo! Dearest Villagers, I have received the attached planning notice… Please let me know by replying to this email if you have any objection – if there is sufficient concern, […]
Bring and Share – final call!!
Dearest Villagers, Just a quick reminder if one were necessary, that this Saturday evening we have our Bring and Share supper at the VH between 6 and 8PM…. please come […]
Christmas Coffee Morning
Ho Ho Ho Dearest Villagers, December is upon us… and that can only mean one thing!!! Christmas is on the way – and I will be getting increasingly excited!!! Hurrah!!! […]
Local Crime and Easy Fundraising
Dearest Villagers, Very sorry to have to start with unpleasantness… but we feel we must issue a warning to everyone. The other night there was a break-in to an […]
PowerCut II – Return to the Darkness
Dearest Villagers, Now, I know we have heard all this before, but I would be failing in my duty if I didn’t warn you that SSEN has notified a number […]
Village Hall AGM
Good Morning, Vunderfvul Villagers, With apologies to Kathy for not doing this sooner, but here are that dates of the next Village Lunches… All Wednesdays 13th November 11th December […]
Power Cut Update
Dearest, most patient and understanding Villagers, It’s off.. not the power, but the plan to turn off the power… apparently… all day we have been waiting… and waiting… then calling […]
Parish Meeting Minutes
Dearest Villagers, Please find the Minutes of the recent Parish Meeting attached. They will be available in the Notice Board for your enjoyment shortly… Any errors or omissions, please do […]
PM Minutes
Dear Lovely Askerswellians, Please find the minutes of our most recent meeting for your information, enjoyment and assistance with insomnia, here – Please let me have any comments or corrections […]
Parish Meeting
Good Morning All, It’s that time again… your chance to engage in local politics… not that we “do” politics… we just want to get stuff done! So please join in, […]