The Askerswell Post

Planning Notice

Good Morning Askerswell,

We have received a Planning Notice – but don’t panic, it’s NOT for a massive estate overshadowing the village or a huge wind farm… be aware that we are constantly vigilant for anything like that…

Nevertheless, as is the protocol, I bring it to your attention so that the Parish Meeting can arrange to meet to discuss the plans further and consider a formal response, should that be necessary. Please see the document attached which gives the details and the link to the Council planning portal so that you can view the drawings.

The plan is for the demolition of the old stables and replacement with a new garage and workshop, and the modification of the existing carport and erection of a tractor store…. To my mind, it appears very much to be tidying up and making good – replacing what’s there already with a newer “not falling apart” version… but don’t take my word for it – please have a look at the plans for yourselves.

In the first instance, please respond directly to me if you have any issues and, as per the Standing Orders, we could call a meeting to discuss in more detail if there is sufficient demand. The deadline is 8th July for responses, so I would need to hear back from you within the next week, please.

Have a wonderful day!


On behalf of the Askerswell Parish Meeting