The Askerswell Post

Village Hall AGM

Dearest Villagers,

Welcome to your new, improved, primped, polished and particularly pert Parish Post! I have managed to get the mailbox to sync with outlook – so I hope it will be  bit easier to use – hurrah!!

Anyway, enough flummery… to business! Please be reminded that the Village Hall AGM is next Wednesday 19th June (coffee at 7.15, meeting starts at 7.30). Your support will be most welcome – and indeed is very important. We all greatly value the Hall, its events and the work of the committee… please see Geoff’s note below in respect of their request for new trustees:-

“Three of the current trustees are not planning to stand again. The trustees have the responsibility of looking after the hall on behalf of the community. Meetings are held about every three months or as required. Events are organised by the separate Village Entertainment Group which sorts out the detailed arrangements for events, with members of the Parochial Church Council and Village Hall Trustees asked to help out as and when they can. Any profits are then split between the two organisations.

If anyone is considering standing and would like to discuss anything, please contact any of the following: Lara Altree; Elaine Ballard; Geoff Barrett; Liz Guard; Mike Green or Gill Reypert.

Download the trustee nomination form below –

Please attend the AGM if at all possible, and consider serving our community as a Trustee. All of the relevant papers are attached.

By the way… in “other News”…

5 Pubs Challenge

This is scheduled for Sunday, August 11th and I would heartily recommend it. I managed it last year, and it was a splendid activity, though my recollections of the last bit are a teensy bit hazy. Apparently it’s not compulsory to have a pint in each pub, a half will suffice. Or soft drink. Who knew?? Nevertheless, I was at least able to prove that it CAN be done with full measures at every stop. Whether it SHOULD is a different matter…

Please mark it in your diaries and join us if you fancy a 6 – 7 mile walk to raise money for our village halls (and Powerstock Hut), amusing banter on the way round and a few drinkies if the mood so takes you. There will be further details on the Parish Website in due course…

Toodle pip, dear readers! All best wishes,


(with Lauryn and Dave – your AP / PM Team of Joy)