Local Crime and Easy Fundraising

Dearest Villagers,

                Very sorry to have to start with unpleasantness… but we feel we must issue a warning to everyone. The other night there was a break-in to an outbuilding of one of our number, and tools and equipment were stolen. PLEASE check your outbuildings and make sure that, even though they may be securely locked, there is nothing visible or in any way enticing to the sorts of people who perpetrate this type of crime. At the most recent Village Coffee morning, our lovely local PCSO advised that, with the credit crunch / general unrest about taxation and inflation on the rise, so are petty thefts from cars and sheds. He suggested that the best policy is to leave absolutely NOTHING on display in your car – whether parked at home or out and about (with beauty spots being primary targets) to the extent of leaving the glove-box open so that even a cursory glance will show that there’s nothing worth breaking in for. Similarly, it’s a good idea to remove the parcel shelf to show that there’s nothing in the boot. Beastly, beastly, horrid and nasty… but something that we seem, however disbelievingly and reluctantly, to have to live with and adapt to.

Now, on a much nicer note….

* Easy Fundraising *

Please see the attached document about easy fundraising… It’s dead easy to set up, doesn’t cost a penny – and can help us raise money to keep the Church the warm and welcoming place that it is – and should be – for many years to come. I have just reset mine to benefit our Church – I had previously set it up to send a small proportion of my on-line purchases to another charity – and it took less than two minutes.. so now when I grab those black Friday bargains (groan!) I will at least be contributing to a worthwhile cause. Hoorah!


Have a wonderful weekend, everyone…


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