The Askerswell Post

Good Morning Askerswell!!

A quick date for your diary – the evening of 26th of June sees the first of what may become a regular event in the Village Hall – a charity Line Dancing session – Yee-Ha!

It is being organised by Debbie – who leads us for Get Fit Fridays (and if you haven’t been along to a session of that, I would sweatily recommend it – it’s totally suitable for all ages and abilities…. Friday mornings at the VH – hurrah) It will be in aid of Alzheimer’s Research UK and, at only £10 per person (refreshments included) promises to be a total hoot. Please see the flyer attached for further details…

See you at the Hall AGM on Wednesday… Cheers!



PS – apologies for the  3 Pubs Challenge typo – duh! I meant the FIVE Pubs Challenge….