The Askerswell Post

Greetings, Residents of the best Village in Dorset (it’s official, and fully sanctioned by the 2024 General Election Rules, clause 234, para. 9b “Whatever thou sayest and repeatest at least five times within no more than ten minutes shall henceforth become fact.“)

Open Garden

Please mark your diaries with Saturday, June 29th, 4 – 6PM, when Buffy has very kindly agreed to open up her garden for us to enjoy. It’s absolutely beautiful up there and well worth a visit (especially the two thousand year old Yew tree, the underside of which you can see in the picture on the flyer attached.) 

Fish and Chip Supper

Please join us at the Village Hall on the 5th of July (from 6PM) for what threatens to be a classic Askerswell evening of fish, chips, pies, prosecco and pea fritters!!! and a bar… and a Quiz!!! Village life can’t get any better than this, can it?? Please see the flyer and menu attached – and let David and Rose know that you will be attending (by the 27th of June) and give them your order… 

Finally, huge congratulations and thanks to Steph and Neil for opening up Folly Farm Cottage’s beautiful garden last weekend, as part of the National Open Garden Scheme. It was really impressive – and wonderful to be able to visit on the way to the inaugural Summer Garden Party at the Spyway – which was a great success, thank you Louise and Dave. Also, many thanks to all those that donated their time, goods for the stall, and money supporting the water-balloon based merriment. Shame about the muppet with the megaphone…

All best wishes,

Your AP team.

PS – please also support the VH AGM if you can – 7.30 in the hall on the 19th of June. Many thanks!