Spyway Summer PARTY

What-Ho, Wonderful Askerswellians!!

Two things, both related to the Spyway party… first of all, please come along and join in from 1PM on Saturday June 1st (that’s THIS Saturday) There will be two live bands, Water Balloon Olympics, a movie theatre, stalls, Tombola and entertainment all day. It sounds like it will be a fabulous afternoon of fun and games… the odd beer… mirth and merriment with larks and japes aplenty!

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, we have been invited to have a stall there, so any contributions you may be able to donate for the stall to sell would be much appreciated, e.g. homemade cakes, produce, preserves, plants, gifts, handmade crafts and so on…  All takings from our stall will be divided between the Village Hall and the Church.

If you have anything to donate, please leave on Friday 31st May at the home of either Maggie Barrett (Pounds Mead, 485513) or Rose Wintle (Medway House, 341118)  Or call either of them to arrange collection.

The Met office is currently suggesting fine weather – so we will see you there – hurrah!!