Parish Meeting

Good Morning All,

It’s that time again – our chance to meet and discuss Village matters… what do we like, what needs to happen?… How are things managed? Are we happy with the way things are organised? Can we do better? Are we living up to our true potential and being the best version of Askerswell possible?… and does anyone really use jargon like that in the real world?? 

Next Thursday evening, 7.30PM in the VH is your chance to have your say, become better informed or simply show your support by attending. Please find attached the papers for the meeting – the minutes of the last one for your perusal (if you spot any errors, please let me know so I can present a corrected version on the night), an agenda (remarkably similar to many of the previous ones, I know…) and a quick finance statement.

If there are any items which you would like to discuss under AOB, please let me know and we will ensure they do not get missed. 

You will have noticed that Nick has done a lot of work on giving the Website ( Askerswell Parish – Welcome to Askerswell ) a facelift and it has already undergone a number of tweaks, but we’d be grateful if you would have a good look over it and let us know if you are happy with the way it is… or if there is anything that you feel could be changed. Please either email any comments to or bring them with you to the meeting so that we can discuss them. 

Looking forward to seeing you there – please do attend if you can as it is important for us to hear your views and support you all as much as possible.

Best wishes,

Peter, Harry and Dave